Archive for July, 2016
ZUMBA Workshop for Students and Parents
Amity School, Bharuch
ZUMBA Workshop for Students and Parents
Dear Parents, Dt. 7th July, 2016
We always try to imbibe academic excellence and co-scholastic values through various programs in our school. We are very happy to announce one such program on physical fitness of our students and parents. This will be a ZUMBA Workshop, which is a dance based exercise form that seems more like a dance party than a workout. This form of workout combines all elements of fitness like cardio, conditioning balance, flexibility, energy booster, along with that, there is a feeling of exhilaration and amazement once one leaves the session. A person burns approx 600 calories per hour, increases self esteem, reduces stress, builds endurance and co-ordination, strengthens lungs and heart, and tones the muscle. All of this will be done in the form of a dance without feeling the pain of a workout.
The workshop is of 2 days and for 1 hour 15 minute session, which will include dance and fitness for 45 to 60 minutes and a short break for freshening up. Participants will also be given information about the importance of the exercise and the necessity of fitness in today’s life.
This workshop is being conducted by a Delhi based fitness instructor, Ms. Sanjana Mehta, who is a licensed Zumba Trainer. She has been a student of Shiamak Davar and also worked with him as a Business Development Professional. She has now branched out on her own and as a part of her endeavor to introduce more people to this wonderful form of fitness training. To give a chance to train in this form of workout to ours students and parents, we are having a workshop in our school.
Date : 30th July & 31st July – 2016
Venue : Amity School, Dahej Bypass Road, Bharuch.
Cost : Rs. 250/- (per participant)
Time will be informed to the participants after registration.
Kindly fill in the consent form given below and send it to the class teacher along with the fees by 09th July, 2016. We are sure that you and your ward will like to take advantage of this unique form of fitness training. – Principal
———————————————————————— Cut it from here and return it to the class teacher —————————————————————————
To, Dt. ___________
The Class Teacher, Std. _______
Amity School, (CBSE / GSEB / G.M.) Bharuch.
Subject : Participation in ZUMBA Workshop.
Respected Sir / Teacher,
We have received your letter dated 07/07/2016 regarding participation in ZUMBA Workshop. We *will participate / *won’t participate in the workshop. (*strike out whatever is not applicable)
Student’s Name ____________________________________ Std. _____ Div. _____ Sec. (CBSE/GSEB/G.M.)
The following members from our family will participate.
(1) Name of participant _____________________________ Mob. _________________ Sign. __________
(2) Name of participant _____________________________ Mob. _________________ Sign. __________
(3) Name of participant _____________________________ Mob. _________________ Sign. __________
We are sending ___________ rupees fees for ZUMBA Workshop. Total participants are _____.
(3500, 07-2016)